鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw



MOK Jolene

Hong Kong

You Know Where to Find Me
2014, single-channel video, 5'01"

莫頌靈在美國杜克大學取得她於「實驗及紀錄藝術」領域的碩士學位,創作形式包含動態和靜態影像。莫頌靈擁有豐富的北歐駐村經驗,曾經於芬蘭、冰島以及挪威屬斯瓦巴群島(Svalbard)駐村;亦曾參加「亞特蘭提斯號」(R/V ATLANTIS)科學、藝術探勘計劃,橫越加勒比海及大西洋。本作《你知道去哪裡找我》在冰島、斯瓦巴群島和香港等三座「島嶼」間拍攝,而這三座島嶼則透過東亞的「頭七」傳說來形成串聯的結構。在此作中,藝術家透過異地的並置,呈現出一種神祕的宇宙感;而觀者正如作為敘述對象的鬼魂一般,可以不受地理限制,穿越於不同的地景和時區之間。 MOK Jolene earned her MFA in Experimental & Documentary Arts at Duke University, taking moving and still images as her major creative platforms. She was often a guest resident artist in Northern Europe, such as Finland, Iceland, and Svalbard (Norway), and also joined the expedition of science & art, across the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. "You Know Where to Find Me" is taken on 3 islands: Iceland, Svalbard, and Hong Kong, linked with the myth of "The First Seventh" in East Asia. In this artwork, the artist juxtaposes various places to present a mystical sense of Space, while the audience, being a ghost and a listener, can travel between landscapes and time zones, beyond the limit of time and space.